Ways to Give
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Malachi 3:10

Cash Gifts
Click above to make a quick donation or set up a recurring donation. For full Terms & Conditions please visit PushPay Terms. For the Privacy Policy please visit PushPay Privacy.
Eastside Connection App
Download our app for easy access to Pushpay Giving.
Text to Give
Text eastsidechurch to (833) 402-4337 to give from your phone. Please be aware that Message & Data rates may apply. For help, reply HELP or STOP to cancel.
In-Person Service
Giving envelopes are available at the Info Center. The envelopes can then be placed in the secured drop boxes in the Lobby.
You may mail your donation to:
Eastside Church
P.O. Box 1439, Bothell, WA 98041
Other Gifts
Consolidated Appropriations Act
Individuals who do not itemize may be able to claim deductions of up to $300 ($600 in case of a joint return) for charitable contributions made during the year.
Corporate Matching
Many corporations financially match (sometimes doubling or tripling!) a gift that an employee gives to a charitable organization. Some corporations allow you to nominate a non-profit organization.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Individuals who are at least 70 1/2 can give directly to Eastside Church from an IRA, SEP IRA, or Simple IRA using a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Your investment firm will have a form that will allow you to distribute from your retirement account directly to Eastside Church. This might provide a greater tax benefit than taking a retirement distribution and then giving to the church.
Appreciated Securities:
If you plan to give to Eastside Church, you can give an investment that has increased in value directly to the church without selling it. Eastside Church can receive your in-kind donation of an investment. By giving an appreciated investment directly to Eastside Church instead of selling and giving the proceeds, this may provide a greater tax benefit. Your investment firm will have a form to transfer the investment. Contact Eastside Church at finance@eastsidechurch.org for the receiving investment account information. Stock transfers can be sent to: Bothell Eastside WA Foursquare Church 30207 - Account 30674348.
The Other Gifts list is for informational purposes only. Please consult your tax advisor or financial planner to determine how charitable contributions impact your specific situation. Please contact us at finance@eastsidechurch.org for more info about giving to Eastside.